Building Others Through Christian Principles

Progress Requirements

Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid

Southeastern Baptist College students receiving any financial aid are required to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as stated in the SBC Catalog in order for such assistance to continue.  Students must complete the course of study within 150 percent of the time allotted based on enrollment status.

Each student’s academic progress will be checked at the end of an academic year, with the exception of ACT scholarships, which are checked at the end of each semester.

If any student fails to meet any of the stated requirements at the end of an academic year, he/she will be considered to be making unsatisfactory progress and has two options:


Option 1

The student may submit a written appeal to the Financial Aid Administrator to explain any extenuating circumstances.  If the appeal is honored, the student may attend one semester on FINANCIAL AID PROBATION with aid and must raise his/her GPA to the standard defined.


Option 2

Attend summer school to bring the GPA and/or cumulative hours to scholastic standard requirements.

If a student enrolls and then withdraws in two consecutive semesters, he/she is not eligible for any financial aid until he/she has enrolled and completed one semester. Transfer students will enter under the same guidelines for financial aid as current students.


Satisfactory Academic Progress Review and Notification

Students who fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress at the time of review will be notified via their Southeastern Baptist College email within the Populi system, as well as any personal email accounts on file with the Office of Financial Aid.  It is the responsibility of the student to familiarize his/her self with the requirements of SAP and to track their progress in order to remain compliant.

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