Building Others Through Christian Principles

Our Doctrine

Doctrinal Statement

● The Trinity of God—The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
● The infallible and plenary verbal inspiration of the Scriptures.
● The Biblical account of creation.
● The personality of Satan.
● The hereditary and total depravity of man in his natural state involving his fall in Adam.
● The virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ.
● Christ’s blood atonement for fallen man. We believe Christ died for the sins of the whole world (John 1:29; I Tim. 2:4-6; Heb.2:9) that through His blood, atonement for sin is made without respect of persons. Anyone who will exercise repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21) will be saved. Although all men can be saved, some will reject God’s redemption by the exercise of their free will.
● His bodily resurrection and ascension back to His Father.
● The person and work of the Holy Spirit.
● Justification before God by faith without any admixture of works. All such justified persons are in the family of God.
● Separation of God’s children from the world.
● Water baptism (immersion) to be administered to believers only and by divine authority as given to missionary Baptist Churches.
● The Lord’s Supper, a church ordinance, is to be administered to baptized believers only and in scriptural church capacity.
● The Eternal Security of the believer.
● The establishment of a visible church by Christ Himself during His personal ministry on earth; and His churches are not now, nor have they ever been, universal or invisible.
● World-wide missions according to the Great Commission which Christ gave His church (Matthew 28:19-20)
● The perpetuity of missionary Baptist churches from Christ’s day on earth until His second coming.
● The right of scriptural churches to be held as equal units in their associated capacities, with equal rights and privileges for all.
● The subjection of all scriptural associational assemblies and their committees to the will of the churches, so that they shall forever remain as servants of the churches originating them.
● The separation of the Lord’s church from all so-called churches or church alliances that advocate, practice, or uphold heresies and other human innovations which are not in harmony with the Word of God. Open communion, alien baptism, pulpit affiliation with heretical churches, modernism, modern tongues movement, and all kindred evils arising from these practices are unscriptural.
● The only valid baptism is that administered by the authority of a scriptural missionary Baptist church. Any so-called Baptist church which knowingly receives alien baptism habitually practices this or other evils as those listed in statement 20 cannot be a scriptural Baptist church, nor can its ordinances remain valid.
● The personal, bodily, and imminent return of Christ to earth.
● The bodily resurrection of the dead.
● The reality of heaven, involving divine assurance of eternal happiness for the redeemed of God.
● The reality of hell, involving the everlasting punishment of the incorrigible wicked.
● We believe in the absolute separation of church and state.

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