Building Others Through Christian Principles
Southeastern Baptist College (SBC or “the college”) is committed to creating and managing a complete emergency management program to encompass the college community. The Emergency Management Plan (EMP) supports SBC’s ongoing risk and threat assessment operations, emergency preparedness requirements, and business stability and recovery plans to establish timely and effective responses for the safety of SBC students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors in an emergency situation. The EMP sets forth organized procedures to guide the college in responding to significant foreseeable emergencies on the SBC campus or property owned or operated by SBC. While no plan can guarantee zero damage during an emergency, this EMP was created to coordinate the resources, facilities, and personnel of SBC, and other external agencies, for an effective response to any foreseeable emergency. It is assumed that all personnel assigned specific emergency responsibilities under this EMP (including departmental plans) should have a working knowledge of their assigned roles, responsibilities, and applicable procedures. I encourage all SBC students, faculty, and staff to familiarize themselves with this plan, particularly the guidance in Section I (“How Do I Prepare for an Emergency?”) and to be vigilant and responsive to actual or threatened emergency situations.
Dr. Scott R. Carson